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We admit it - the topic of energy communities is not entirely easy and straightforward. But don't worry, we have the answers to your questions!
What is an energy community?An energy community makes it possible to PRODUCE, USE, SAVE & SELL energy across property boundaries. Prices are established by the community itself.
Who can participate in an energy community?The potential participants depend on the type of energy community. For renewable energy communities (RECs - regional and local), the following participants can be involved: Individuals Municipalities & territorial entities SMEs (Note: Participation in the EC must not be their main commercial activity - meaning electricity or natural gas companies cannot participate.) In a citizen energy community (CEC), in addition to the already mentioned groups, large companies and also electricity and natural gas companies can be involved. It is important that control in the CEC must not be exercised by these large companies.
What types of energy communities are there?We distinguish between three types of energy communities: Citizen Energy Communities Renewable Energy Communities Collective Generation Facilities
What is an energy community?An energy community makes it possible to PRODUCE, USE, SAVE & SELL energy across property boundaries. Prices are established by the community itself.
Does anything need to be installed or modified to participate in the energy community?No! Participating in the energy community does not require any special modifications or the installation of additional devices. All you need is a smart meter and consent to the measurement and reading of quarter-hourly values (Opt-In). This opt-in is done on the smart meter portal of your network operator and is necessary to carry out billing within the energy community.
What happens to my current electricity supplier?The contract with the previous electricity supplier remains in place. The energy community is an ADDITIONAL OFFER. This means that if there is not enough electricity available from the energy community, the lights will not stay off! In such a case, the electricity will be supplied by the energy supplier of your choice under the agreed conditions.
How do I find out which transformer station or substation I am connected to?You can get this information from your network operator (note: this is not the energy supplier!) Using the metering point number, you can find out which transformer or substation you are connected to. Some network operators offer online tools for local area queries. Here are the largest network operators with links to their local area queries: Burgenland – Netz Burgenland – Quickcheck & map Carinthia – Kärnten Netz – Map Lower Austria – NÖ Netz – Quickcheck Upper Austria – Netz OÖ – Map Salzburg – Salzburg Netz – Map & Quick Check Styria – Energienetze Steiermark – Quickcheck Tyrol – TINETZ – Quickcheck Vorarlberg – Vorarlberg Netz – Map Vienna – Wiener Netze – Online form
What happens to my current electricity supplier?The contract with the previous electricity supplier remains in place. The energy community is an ADDITIONAL OFFER. This means that if there is not enough electricity available from the energy community, the lights will not stay off! In such a case, the electricity will be supplied by the energy supplier of your choice under the agreed conditions.
What types of energy communities are there?We distinguish between three types of energy communities: Citizen Energy Communities Renewable Energy Communities - Regional & Local Collective Generation Facilities
Wo finde ich meinen Anlagencode oder PIN?Der Anlagencode oder PIN ist ein Zugangsschlüssel, den einige Netzbetreiber per Post verschicken. Wenn du ihn verloren hast, kannst du ihn oft durch Angabe der Zählpunktbezeichnung neu anfordern. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kannst du dich direkt an deinen Netzbetreiber wenden.
What is an energy community?An energy community makes it possible to PRODUCE, USE, SAVE & SELL energy across property boundaries. Prices are established by the community itself.
Was ist die Zählernummer und wo finde ich sie?Hierbei handelt es sich nicht um die Zählpunktnummer, sondern um die 6-10-stellige Nummer, die Du entweder auf der Stromrechnung oder direkt auf dem Zähler findest.
Wo finde ich die Kundennummer, die ich für die Datenfreigabe benötige?Deine Kundennummer findest du meistens auf deinem Netzzugangsvertrag. Außerdem wird sie oft in den Schreiben aufgeführt, die du regelmäßig von deinem Netzbetreiber erhältst.
What is the metering point number and where can I find it?The metering point number is required to uniquely assign electricity consumption. It is a unique number across the EU. In Austria, it always starts with the abbreviation AT, followed by 31 digits. The metering point number can be found on the annual statement from your electricity supplier or on the network usage contract from your network provider. Note: The metering point number is not the meter number on your electricity meter! The meter number is the device number that can be found directly on your electricity meter.
How do energy communities work?In energy communities, at least two to thousands of participants come together to collectively use energy. For example, this could look like this: You have a solar panel system on your roof and produce more electricity than you consume yourself. Together with your neighbors, who do not have their own solar panel system, you establish an energy community and sell your surplus energy to them at a mutually agreed price.
Who can participate in an energy community?The potential participants depend on the type of energy community. For renewable energy communities (RECs - regional and local), the following participants can be involved: Individuals Municipalities & territorial entities SMEs (Note: Participation in the EC must not be their main commercial activity - meaning electricity or natural gas companies cannot participate.) In a citizen energy community (CEC), in addition to the already mentioned groups, large companies and also electricity and natural gas companies can be involved. It is important that control in the CEC must not be exercised by these large companies.
Was ist die Vertrags- oder Verrechnungskontonummer und wo finde ich sie?Die Vertragskontonummer ist eine Kennzahl, die dir von deinem Netzbetreiber zugewiesen wird. Du findest sie auf deinem Netzzugangsvertrag und in Schreiben deines Netzbetreibers, nicht deines Energieversorgers. Die Netzbetreiber sind z.B. NÖ Netz, Netz OÖ oder Linz Netz. Diese Nummer benötigst Du für Anfragen oder Änderungen.
What is a prosumer?The word "prosumer" is a combination of the terms "producer" and "consumer." It means that a person can be both an energy producer and an energy consumer at the same time. Prosumers decentralize energy production and are thus an important part of the energy transition.
Does anything need to be installed or modified to participate in the energy community?No! Participating in the energy community does not require any special modifications or the installation of additional devices. All you need is a smart meter and consent to the measurement and reading of quarter-hourly values (Opt-In). This opt-in is done on the smart meter portal of your network operator and is necessary to carry out billing within the energy community.
How can you create an energy community?Consideration The first step is to clarify the initial situation: Do you have a PV system and would like to sell or share your surplus electricity, or do you not have a PV system and would like to purchase regional electricity at fair, stable prices? 2. Locations Next, we'll look at whether there's already an energy community in your area that would be suitable or whether it makes sense to set up an energy community yourself. Depending on how many potential members there are and where they are located, it will become clear which form of energy community is the best fit. 3. Choice of organizational form If a new energy community is to be founded, the next step is to determine and establish its legal form. This is usually an association or cooperative. 4. Details & Contracts Now the framework conditions of the energy community are determined: price, billing method, distribution model, etc. In addition, some contracts must be drawn up, for example with your network operator. 5. Get started Once all necessary steps have been completed, the energy community is activated and begins operations. 6. Sounds complicated? That doesn't have to be the case! energyfamily accompanies you step by step on your way to the energy community with its intuitive web platform . We also answer all your questions!
Who can establish an energy community?To establish an energy community, at least two members or shareholders are required. These can be individuals, municipalities and territorial entities, or SMEs. (For more information, see the question: "Who can participate in an energy community?")
What legal form is suitable for establishing an energy community?Operating an energy community requires its own legal form. Experience has shown that associations or cooperatives are particularly suitable as legal forms. However, capital companies and partnerships can also be used as legal forms. The most important factors in choosing the legal form are:# Compliance with legal requirements Costs and administrative effort Necessary bodies and co-determination Type and size of the EC Liability and taxes Long-term perspective of the EC In principle, associations are particularly suitable for smaller energy communities with a manageable number of members. Associations also have a relatively low founding effort. Cooperatives are also well suited for larger ECs, the founding effort is somewhat higher, but the security is higher due to regular inspections by a revision association. A detailed overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the different legal forms can be found in the brochure "Legal Forms" by the Coordination Office for Energy Communities.
How is electricity distributed within the Energy Community?The distribution key indicates how the produced energy is distributed among the participants. This distribution can be done either in a fixed, static way or in a flexible, dynamic way. Dynamic distribution is recommended because it allows the energy to be used in a more efficient way. Every quarter of an hour, the amount of electricity produced in the energy community/by the community generation plant and the amount of energy consumed by the members are measured. The electricity is then allocated according to demand.
What does energyfamily do?We at energyfamily want to make energy communities easy. Therefor we have developed a platform that supports and accompanies you in the process of setting up, managing and billing. We offer: - individual advice - our platform with an intuitive checklist that supports you in founding and building the energy community. - easy management of your energy community via our platform with invitation function, document storage, etc. - automated billing and invoicing with direct debit and SEPA direct debit We also support municipalities and companies with funding applications for energy communities.
Wie füge ich die Plattform zu meinen Apps hinzu?1. Anmeldung Öffne die Webseite www.efy.atim Browser auf deinem Smartphone und melde dich an. 2. Seite Teilen Tippe auf das Symbol für „Seite teilen“ im Browser-Menü. 3. Anheften Wähle „Zum Dock hinzufügen“ aus.
How can I register on energyfamily?If you want to FAIRly share or FAIRly sell your green energy, or FAIRly use green energy - even without your own solar panel system, then register without any obligation on our platform EFY. We support you in establishing an energy community or finding a suitable community that you can join. Register now!
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