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Energy Communities 

Explore how energy communities operate, including their distribution, sale, consumption, and marketing, and see the benefits they offer across Austria.

What are energy communities?

An energy community enables you to generate, use, store, or sell energy collectively beyond individual property lines, often at a shared price.​

Participants in energy communities can range from a small group to thousands, collaborating to make the most of their energy resources. In Austria, there are several types of energy communities, with more details available here

You can either join an existing community or start one of your own.

What are energy communities?

An energy community enables you to generate, use, store, or sell energy collectively beyond individual property lines, often at a shared price.​

Participants in energy communities can range from a small group to thousands, collaborating to make the most of their energy resources. In Austria, there are several types of energy communities, with more details available here

You can either join an existing community or start one of your own.



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What are energy communities?

An energy community enables you to generate, use, store, or sell energy collectively beyond individual property lines, often at a shared price.​

Participants in energy communities can range from a small group to thousands, collaborating to make the most of their energy resources. In Austria, there are several types of energy communities, with more details available here

You can either join an existing community or start one of your own.

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