After the summer months, during which we diligently worked on our platform and also launched the first energy communities, we were on the move a lot in September. We participated in three exciting events that reflect our passion for innovation and sustainability. Here's a brief recap of what we experienced in September:
UN/Austria Symposium 2023
From September 12th to 14th, the UN/Austria Symposium 2023 "Space for climate action: space applications and technologies for sustainability on Earth" took place in Graz (and online). Organized by UNOOSA, the event aimed to highlight the role of space technologies in addressing the challenges of climate change. The symposium brought together a diverse group of participants, including government officials, diplomats, UN and international agencies, private companies, universities, and non-governmental organizations.
On the first day of the symposium in Graz, we participated in the "Energy and Emissions" panel and were able to present our innovative satellite-based forecasting and energy management tool. The subsequent panel discussion focused on the challenges of emission detection and initiatives that utilize space applications to monitor and reduce greenhouse gases or optimize the generation and use of sustainable energy.
FFG Forum 2023
On September 13th, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG invited participants to the FFG Forum in Vienna. The event was themed "Passion for the Future" and kicked off with a conference featuring exciting input in three "Domes" on the following topics:
Dome Europe: Success together in Europe: The Horizon Europe Community Austria
Dome Climate: Climate Neutrality: How can it be achieved?
Dome Space: Digital Twin Austria - Space is for everyone
We represented our startup pitch in the "Space" Dome. As winners of the audience vote in our Dome, we then had the unique opportunity to present again at the evening event on the main FFG stage. Over 700 guests from business, science, and politics attended, including Ministers Leonore Gewessler and Martin Kocher. It was an exciting evening with engaging conversations, great people, and many interesting insights!
EMC / JKU-Kongress
On September 22nd, we attended the EMC / JKU Congress in Linz. The event, organized by the Austrian Electric Mobility Club in cooperation with Johannes Kepler University, focused on the topics of the climate crisis, mobility, and energy transition.
In addition to an exciting keynote by Marcus Wadsak on "Climate Change - Fake or Fiction" and presentations on sustainable mobility and energy transition, there were also information booths - energyfamily was also represented with an information booth, giving us the opportunity to network with experts in alternative propulsion, smart grids, bidirectional charging, and energy efficiency and gain new insights.
Our September was marked by inspiring discussions, new contacts, and valuable insights. Now we're starting the fall season fully motivated and looking forward to incorporating the ideas and experiences gained into our work to contribute to sustainability and innovation.